Annual Reports
Simpson Timber

“A tailored transportation plan has allowed Simpson to serve critical markets across the U.S.”

Jim Senner, Traffic Services Manager
Alida Godfrey, Shipping Supervisor Simpson Timber Co.


U N I O N  P A C I F I C  R A I L R O A D

Working Smarter


Corona Distribution Management, from left: Bill Hackett, president, Barton Beers; Luis Alvarez, representing The Gambrinus Co.; Yolanda Nava, export manager, Grupo Modelo; Tom Wyness, executive vice president of transportation, Baron Beers.

Intelligent Solutions was a key catchphrase for UP in 2000, as the Railroad discovered new ways to leverage its expansive rail network, technology and understanding of its customers' business needs. The commitment to quality, including management training and the use of Six Sigma tools, was the underpinning of UP's efforts.

Together, Simpson Timber and UP met the challenge of delivering lumber products from the Pacific Northwest by designing a transportation plan that provides the equipment and service to reach lumber markets coast to coast.

The Railroad's International Customer Service Center (ICSC) reduced the complexity of transporting products across U.S. borders. By staging trains and preparing documents in advance, the ICSC and distributors Gambrinus and Barton Beers significantly improved the customs process for importing Grupo Modelo's popular Corona beer.

UP's customized website,, simplifies doing business with the Railroad. For example, customers can now use to trace up to 100 equipment numbers with the click of a mouse, and obtain real-time information about their shipments without making a phone call.

UPRR –Building Alliances | Overnite Transportation – Serving Customers