Testing EDI Transactions

Test Invoice (810)

For EDI invoices, the supplier initiates the testing process. To ensure prompt payment suppliers may also submit invoices through the ORISS Web page while EDI testing is underway. Union Pacific prefers to test with live, current invoices which have not yet been processed. This enables testing of communications, syntax and compatibility of information between business applications. Small test samples (ideally, one or two invoices) are optimal. Union Pacific will conduct parallel testing until both parties are satisfied that EDI is working correctly for both trading partners.

Test Purchase Order (850)

For Purchase Orders, Union Pacific will send a "live" purchase order from its application systems to the supplier's mailbox. A corresponding functional acknowledgment (997) needs to be received from the supplier/van company. A separate ISA/997 needs to be sent for each control group Union Pacific sends. Small test samples (ideally, one or two invoices) are optimal. Union Pacific will conduct parallel testing until both parties are satisfied that EDI is working correctly for both trading partners.