Update: Southwest Monsoon Weather Impacting Operations

Announcement Number: CN2023-52
Categories: General Announcements
Posted Date: September 4, 2023

To Our Customers,

Cima Subdivision and Yuma Subdivision Repairs
Overnight on Sunday, we completed the necessary repairs on our Cima subdivision. Additionally, we have resumed operations on the second track of our Yuma subdivision. However, for safety reasons, we will be operating these line segments with temporary slow order speed restrictions. While all tracks are now back in service, it will take several more days to alleviate the train congestion that has built up during this challenging period. We will also be working on re-balancing locomotive power and crew availability in the affected region.

Calexico Subdivision Status
The Calexico subdivision remains out of service at this time. We are actively assessing the situation and to expedite repairs and restoration of service in this area.

Thank you for the patience and understanding as we’ve worked to restore service. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Care & Support at 800-272-8777 or your Union Pacific representative.

Monsoon Outage Map 090323 | MR