Community Ties Giving Program Grantee Resources

Congratulations on your Union Pacific Community Ties Giving Program grant. Here are some ideas and guidelines for sharing information about your grant on social media and with traditional media outlets.

News Release

Your organization’s news release should be concise and organized. Be strategic when writing the introduction, as most journalists only briefly scan the content to determine whether to keep reading. Union Pacific must approve all releases that include our brand prior to distribution. Please send a draft of your news release to our Media Team to ensure the release’s content complies with Union Pacific standards. 

Social Media

When mentioning our partnership on social media, make sure to remain professional. Using acronyms, grammatically incorrect statements or too many emoticons may come off across as distasteful. Please pay special attention to our social media handle on each platform, and tag our page when applicable. If your posts could reasonably be confused to be a statement by or on behalf of Union Pacific, make it clear that you are speaking on behalf of your organization. As with the release, Union Pacific must approve social media copy prior to its posting.


The Union Pacific logo and position statement – Building America – remain an important symbol of who we are. If your organization does not already have an approved logo on file, please submit a logo request. We ask that you do not copy a logo from the internet.

Let Us Tell Your Story

Union Pacific regularly publishes stories about our Community Ties Giving Program grant recipients in Inside Track, our online news site.