Grain Shuttles to Mexico
Announcement Number: BU2024-42
Categories: Grain
Posted Date: October 1, 2024
Today, we are pleased to announce through our work with the FXE and collaboration with our customers, there is improved fluidity in the Mexico grain shuttle pipeline. As a result of the improved pipeline, the FXE will resume issuance of permits on October 2 for the Eagle Pass gateway. Work continues to restore a regular El Paso crossing cadence considering recent service interruptions in Mexico. Permits for El Paso will be granted once regular crossing cadence is established.
On September 18, the FXE and Union Pacific suspended issuance of permits for active FXE embargos to address challenges moving grain shuttles destined for Eagle Pass and El Paso gateways. The metrics below summarize the progress we have made addressing those challenges in the last 12 days.
- 80% Reduction in loaded trains held enroute for Eagle Pass and El Paso, from 5 trains to 1 train. (Trains held on line of road not moving, waiting for FXE crossing slot.)
- 60% Reduction in loaded trains holding at origin for Eagle Pass and El Paso, from 13 trains to 5 trains. (Trains released not yet departed, waiting for FXE crossing slot.)
- ~30% Improvement in daily FXE border crossing rate between September 18 and 29 as the rate improved to 1.8 trains per day (TPD); an increase of 0.4 TPD compared to 1.4 TPD crossed between September 1 and 17.
Please contact your Union Pacific sales representative with questions. Thank you for your business.