Technical Specifications for Design and Construction of Track and Other Rail Related Infrastructure

These conditions, specifications and guidelines are provided by Union Pacific to assist in the design and construction of track and other rail related infrastructure. This information will be revised periodically. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain the most current information.
Union Pacific makes no representations or warranties as to the validity, accuracy, legal compliance or completeness of this information and any reliance by user on this information is at the risk of the user.

What's New - Standards Revision
Standard document
   Recent Track Standard Drawing Revisions
Ballast, Roadbed Sections and Geometry

Ballast, Roadbed Sections and Geometry

☰ Ballast ☰ Geometry ☰ Misc ☰ Roadbed Sections
Concrete, Wood and Steel Ties and Panels

Concrete, Wood and Steel Ties and Panels

☰ Concrete Ties ☰ Misc ☰ Panels ☰ Steel Ties ☰ Wood and Composite Ties
Frogs and Frog Components

Frogs and Frog Components

☰ Crossing Diamonds ⚌ General Information ☰ General Information ☰ Jump Frogs ⚌ Frog Plans ☰ Moveable Point Frogs ⚌ Frog Plans ⚌ General Information ☰ RBM Frogs ⚌ Current RBM Frogs

⚌ Historical RBM Frogs
☰ Self Guarded Frogs ⚌ Frog Plans ⚌ Frog Plates ⚌ General Information ☰ Spring Rail Frogs ⚌ Frog Plans
Guard Rails
Standard document
   Inner Guard Rail
   Double Inner Guard Rail for Open Deck Bridges
   Double Inner Guard Rail for Ballast Deck Bridges
   Inner Guard Rail Plates for Concrete Ties
   Adjustable Frog Guard Rails For Wood Turnouts 15'-0" and 26'-0" Long
   Adjustable Frog Guard Rails For Concrete Turnouts 15'-0" and 26'-0"
   Skewed Adjustable Guard Rail For No. 24 Semi-Tangential Turnout
   Frog Guard Rail Settings For Turnouts
   13'-0", 19'-6", and 26'-0" Boltless Adjustable Guard Rails - 132 - 141 Lb
   No. 9 & 11 Turnout Self-Guarded Frog Traffic Rail Plates
   Specifications For 136 Lb Adjustable Guard Rails
Joint Bars, Transition Rails,Bolts & Accessories

Joint Bars, Transition Rails,Bolts & Accessories

☰ Bolts and Accessories ☰ Joint Bars ☰ Transition Rails
Misc. and Crossing Diamonds

Misc. and Crossing Diamonds

☰ Crossing Diamonds ☰ Misc. Drawings and Indexes
Rail Sections
Standard document
   75 Lb. Through 76 Lb. Rail Sections
   80 Lb. Through 85 Lb. Rail Sections
   90 Lb. Rail Sections
   100 Lb. Through 113 Lb. Rail Sections
   112 Lb. And 115 Lb. Rail Sections
   119 Lb. Through 132 Lb. Hf And 140 Rail Sections
   133 Lb. Rail Section
   132 Lb. And 136 Lb. Rail Sections
   136 RE Lb. Rail Section
   141 Lb. Rail Section
   Beveling Rail Ends and Deburring Bolt Holes
   Specifications For Rail Sections And Rail Drilling
   Tee Rail Sections And Dimensions
   Rail Identification Chart
Road Crossings
Standard document
   Installation Of Road Crossing With Prefab Timber Panels
   Light Duty Road Crossing Asphalt with Rubber Seal Sections
   Installation Of Road Crossing With Precast Concrete Panels
   General Manufacturing Specifications for Road Crossing with Concrete Panels
   Landing Pad
   Type IV Barricade For Road Crossing Closure
   Startrack Standard Road Crossing
   Startrack Heavy Duty Road Crossing
   Precast Concrete Panels for 10' Long Wood Ties (10W)
   Precast Concrete Panels for 10' Long Concrete Ties (10C)
   Precast Concrete Panels for 8'-6" Long Concrete Ties (85C)
   Typical Details for Concrete Panels
   Curved Concrete Panels
   Scooter Crossing
Roadway Signs and Track Marking
Standard document
   Letters And Numerals For Roadway Signs
   Single Letter And Numeral Sign
   Speed Test Sign
   High Threat Urban Area Sign
   Structure Marker Signs
   Descending Grade Sign and Reflectors
   Clearance Warning Signs
   Mile Post Equation Sign
   Private Roadway Grade Crossing Sign Within Quiet Zone
   Culvert Location Tie Marking
   Marking For Track Identification
   Marking For Trench Drains
   End Of Track Sign
   Critical Lead Marking
   Derail Sign
   Snow Flanger Sign
   Hazard Signs
   Caution Sign For Unloading Tank Cars
   Public Highway Crossing Sign
   Emergency Phone Number at Road Crossing Sign
   Private Roadway Grade Crossing Sign
   Private crossing closure notification sign
   Occupied Camp Car Sign Assembly
   Live Track Warning Signs
   Mile Post Marker
   State Line Sign
   Temporary Rail Mounted Flag Holder
   Private Property And No Dumping Signs
   Permanent Speed Restriction Signs
   No Trespassing Rail Marking
   Flags For Temporary Track Conditions
   Placement Of Flags For Temporary Track Conditions
   Station Signs For Other Than CTC Territory
   Vertical Control Point Sign
   Non-Controlled Crossing O.O.S. Sign
   Stop Sign
   Yield Sign
   Yard Limit Sign
   End of UPRR Maintenance Sign
   Top Of Rail Marker For Use Under Structures
   Top Of Rail Markers For Use At Tunnels
   Track Breach Protection Sign
   Whistle Signal Signs
   Quiet Zone Marker
   Moveable Point Frog Signs
   Sign Locations For Moveable Point Frog Turnouts
   Jump Frog Warning Sign
   Radio Display Sign
   Right Of Way Access Road Bridges Removed From Service
   Standard Barricade for Placement at Bridge Backwalls
   Power Assisted Switch Cabin Sign
   Left Hand Signal Sign
   Remote Control Locomotives Sign (General)
   Remote Control Locomotives Sign (Entrances)
   Remote Control Warning Sign
   Remote Control Locomotive Signs - Entrances- Dual Language
   Remote Control Locomotive Signs - General -Dual Language
   Remote Control Zone Fold Down Sign
   Begin and End 6.14 Territory Sign
   Begin and End Track Warrant Control Signs
   Begin and End CTC Signs
   Station and Control Point Sign For CTC
   Identification Tags for Track Components
   Container Label
   Direct To Locomotive (DTL) Fueling Sign
   Speed Restriction Fold Down Sign
   Tunnel Station Sign
   Sign Post Specifications And Installation Instructions
Switches and Switch Components

Switches and Switch Components

☰ Switch Components ⚌ Hollow Steel Ties ⚌ Stock Rails ⚌ Switch Plates

⚌ Switch Points

⚌ Switch Rollers / Plates ⚌ Switch Stands / Targets / Rods

☰ Switch Plans ⚌ Current Switch Plans ⚌ UP 133# Switch Plans
Tie Plates, Fasteners and Accessories

Tie Plates, Fasteners and Accessories

☰ Fasteners and Fastening Accessories ☰ Tie Plates
Turnouts and Turnout Components

Turnouts and Turnout Components

☰ Derails ☰ Turnout Components ⚌ Insulated Gauge Plates

⚌ Turnout Plates

☰ Turnout Plans ⚌ Concrete Turnouts ⚌ Crossover Layouts

⚌ Steel Tie Turnouts ⚌ Turnout Information ⚌ Wood Turnout Layouts

All Standard Files (.zip format)   
Track Maintenance Field Handbook   

External Design Documents (For Third Party Work)
Standard document
   General Notes and Details for Round Steel Pipe Culverts
   Construction Notes and Table for Smooth Steel Pipe Culverts
   Construction Notes for Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts
   Construction Notes and Table for Structural Plate Pipe Culverts
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - General
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - Type A
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - Type B
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - Type C
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - Type D
   End Treatments for Steel Pipe Culverts - Handrails
   Cast In Place Concrete Collar
   Contractor In Charge
   Electrical Design Guide
   End of UPRR Operations Sign
   Preferred Layout Standards for Industrial Tracks
   Unloading Pit Specifications
   Specifications for Turnout Construction Pad
   Fire Prevention Plan
   Fire Risk Assessment
   Guidance for Sidewalk Improvements
   Guidelines for Contractors on UPRR Property
   Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects
   General Platform Guidelines
   Industrial Turnout Specifications
   Industry Approved Design and Review Consultants
   Road Authority Provides Traffic Control and Performs Asphalt Work
   Railroad Provides Traffic Control and Road Authority Performs Asphalt Work
   Railroad Provides Traffic Control and Performs Asphalt Work
   Road Authority Provides Traffic Control and Railroad Performs Asphalt Work.
   Typical Intermediate Mounds
   Typical Mound for 6x6 House
   UPRR Back-Up Policy
   Guidelines for Temporary Shoring
   UPRR Elecrical Construction Standards
   UPRR Electronic Devices Policy
   UPRR Fuel Design Guide
   UPRR Industrial Wastewater Design Guide
   UPRR Smoking Policy
   UP General Specifications
   UP General Specifications (Archive)
   UP General Spec Addendum
   UP General Spec Addendum (Archive)
   UP Import Soil Qualifications (Gen Spec 02 24 23 Appendix)

Technical Specifications for Design and Construction of Track and Other Rail Related Infrastructure

These conditions, specifications and guidelines are provided by Union Pacific to assist in the design and construction of track and other rail related infrastructure. This information will be revised periodically. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain the most current information.

Union Pacific makes no representations or warranties as to the validity, accuracy, legal compliance or completeness of this information and any reliance by user on this information is at the risk of the user.