Monthly Payroll Deductions

Contributing to Friend to Friend via payroll deduction now is available for employees with an Employee ID, TCS User ID and TCS Password.

 If you are interested in a one-time contribution, please use this mail-in form.

If you have questions about or problems with the Payroll Deduction program, please contact Richard Baldwin.

What You Need to Know About Charitable Payroll Deductions

Employees who make charitable contributions through payroll deductions should be aware of new IRS rules regarding record keeping that went into effect beginning with 2007 income tax returns.

For individual income tax returns, affected employees must keep pay stubs showing the amount of their donation and a copy of the pledge card they filled out for the charity.

For those who participate in Direct Deposit/ePayroll, the last pay stub for the year will show the total year-to-date donation. This will satisfy the pay-stub requirement of the record-keeping requirements.

Employees who do not participate in Direct Deposit/ePayroll will need to keep all printed pay stubs indicating where a charitable contribution was withheld from their pay. No year-to-date information is available.

Finally, everyone donating to charity through a payroll deduction must keep a copy of the pledge card received from the charity.

Failure to keep the pay stubs and pledge card, along with a personal copy of your income tax return, will result in not meeting the IRS requirements for deducting your charitable contribution withheld from your pay.

Employees with questions about the IRS changes should consult their personal tax advisor.