Union Pacific’s EEO-1 data is now available.
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The EEO-1 data supplements the D&I Quarterly Workforce report, which shows UP’s demographic composition as the company works toward the long-term goal of more closely reflecting the communities we serve. Additionally, our annual Building America Report further breaks down demographics by race/ethnicity.
“Transparency is a key objective if we want to move the needle,” said EVP and CHRO Beth Whited. “Our managers must understand the best way to unleash the full potential of our workforce is to lead diverse teams. These reports inform us where we are and offer insights into how best to develop solutions to progress our D&I goals.”
All three reports accurately track UP’s diversity (based on employee self-identification), yet they utilize slightly different methodology.
- The D&I Quarterly Report and Building America Report show results in the way UP is structured as a company, as well as its 2030 diversity goals. For example, people managers are specifically called out because they represent individuals who most influence the culture with our employees. The EEO-1 is based on U.S. EEOC categories, creating consistency across industries.
- The D&I Quarterly Report and Building America Report include active employees, which better reflect the human resources available to the company. The EEO-1 is active and non-active employees.
- The D&I Quarterly Report is updated four times a year, while the Building America Report captures active employees as of 12/31 each year. The EEO-1 relies upon one set of defined months reported annually.
- The D&I Quarterly Report and Building America Report provide minority data as one measurement. The EEO-1 breaks down the minority data into different employee groups.
As Union Pacific works to reflect the communities it serves, the nation also will become more diverse over time. This creates broader perspectives and a competitive edge as UP and its U.S. customers compete on the global playing field.