Affirming Diversity
Union Pacific's Equal Opportunity Policy is a first step toward managing diversity. It provides equal opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, genetic information or status as a veteran. This EEO policy exceeds the EEO requirements established under federal and various state laws, and applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, demotion, termination, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training. Union Pacific is committed to affirmative action for women and minorities at all levels and in all segments of our workforce.
Union Pacific and all its operating companies communicate this commitment through the Statement of Policy Concerning Business Conduct. Employees are required to read and sign the policy statement on an annual basis. All employees are required to abide by the policy and uphold the corporation's commitment.
Although this policy builds the foundation for equal opportunity, the corporation believes that defining diversity goes beyond the legal definitions of protected classes under existing laws. In addition to differences of race, gender and age, diversity encompasses martial status, family status, political affiliations, educational background, socioeconomic status, lifestyle, sexual orientation, disabilities and other non-job-related factors.
Union Pacific's commitment to managing diversity is based on a desire to create an environment where people can be the best they can be. From an employee's perspective, benefits include improved safety and morale. From a business perspective, understanding, valuing and promoting diversity increase the corporation's effectiveness and ability to meet customers' needs, which translates into a competitive advantage with bottom-line results.
Annually, UP's EEO and Diversity personnel meet with each department to discuss their successes and initiatives relative to diversity. Mentorships, professional development, departmental meetings and employee recognition all are tools available to ensure inclusion and awareness-building.
Diversity Training
"Valuing Diversity" training is Union Pacific's initiative to ensure managers and employees develop a greater sensitivity to and an appreciation for cultural differences and what diversity means. Strengthening behaviors that demonstrate respect and inclusion of culturally different employees is an ethical standard at Union Pacific.
Finally, Union Pacific affirms diversity through its efforts to ensure that the Company recruits talent from a plethora of resources where diverse populations are represented. The Company recognizes that its future successes are dependent upon a business strategy that values diversity (inclusion and respect) in talent, and perspectives and culture.
Policy and Practices
A discrimination-free workplace and fair treatment are fundamental rights of all Union Pacific employees. The work environment must always be one that respects and values differences, whether they are ethnic or based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, religion or veteran status. These employment practices are the foundation for an environment that encourages all employees to contribute to their fullest potential.
Union Pacific is committed to providing a work environment free from offensive behavior directed at a person's race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, veteran status or disability. This includes offensive behavior directed at other employees, customers and visitors to company facilities, as well as others with whom employees may come in contact with during the normal course of work or while representing the company.