Common Questions

How does this align with the company's emphasis on safety? Safety is a core value at UP and a responsibility for all employees. The purpose of the restricted prescription drug list is to ensure covered workers are not impaired by medications at work, which may pose significant safety risks for the worker and others.

What should employees discuss with their doctors? Employees should discuss the following with their doctor:

  • Whether you are currently taking a drug on UP's list of restricted prescription drugs
  • Your safety related job duties
  • A plan to discontinue restricted drugs (if applicable)
  • Safer alternative drugs

What should employees do if they have questions after talking with their doctor? Individuals having questions after consulting with their physician can search Workforce Resources Knowledge Management for 24/7 access to self-service information, resources, answers to common questions, or to create a ticket for Workforce Resources.

Are there less impairing alternative drugs that UP does not restrict for covered employees? Yes, for each restricted drug there are safer alternative drugs. Employees should discuss other alternatives with their doctors.