Retirees, Former Employees & Families
Benefits and Resources
- Benefits Includes Healthcare, Life Insurance and Pension information, forms and contacts.
SAP ePayroll for Retirees & Former Employees
- Address Change Quick Reference Guide Former Employees and Retirees have the ability to update their address within the SAP ePayroll site. If you need to change your address, use this guide for assistance.
- Banking, Medical and Beneficiary Forms
- Amtrak Passes
- Friend to Friend Network
- UP Company Store Online
- Retirement Service Award Retiring employees are eligible for the retirement service award if they meet the requirements based on their adjusted service date.
- Management (Nonagreement) Survivor Benefit Guide
- Craft Professional (Agreement) Survivor Benefit Guide
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for Families EAP provides mental health resources for employees and their families.
Additional Assistance
Request Form 1095-C
Please complete a "Workforce Resources Ticket" to request a Form 1095-C for calendar year 2020. In addition to providing your name, email address and phone number, please include your current mailing address in the "Description" section of the ticket. You will receive your form within 30 calendar days of your request.
While it is preferred that you complete a "Workforce Resources Ticket" to request a Form 1095-C, you may also send your request to Union Pacific by email, regular mail or by calling. Contact information is below.
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Union Pacific
1400 Douglas Street, STOP 1730
Omaha, NE 68179
Phone: 402-544-4729
- Report the Death of a Union Pacific Employee or Beneficiary Review information needed in order to report the passing of a Union Pacific Employee or Beneficiary.
Request Personal Data Updates
Request changes to your personal data, such as a name change, social security number, or date of birth. Retirees or surviving beneficiaries with a pension should log in to the SAP ePayroll website to make address changes. If you are a former employee and no longer have access to the SAP ePayroll website, submit a ticket to request your address change.
- Long Term Disability Inquires Submit questions about the Long Term Disability benefit, your pay while on Long Term Disability, or returning from Long Term Disability.
- Contact us About Any Other Inquiries