Elk Grove Bridge Replacement Project
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Project?
Union Pacific Railroad plans to replace the bridge that crosses Laguna Creek in Elk Grove, California. The bridge is located approximately a half mile southeast of the Bond Road intersection with Elk Grove-Florin Road. (Map shown below.)

Figure 1: Map of Elk Grove Bridge Replacement Project
Why are you replacing the bridge?
The existing bridge was constructed in 1950 and is more than 70 years old. It does not meet current design standards. The bridge is part of a rail line used by freight trains and Amtrak’s San Joaquins passenger trains, which connect Sacramento, Stockton, and Bakersfield.
What is the construction schedule?
Mobilization to the site is scheduled to start in mid-June and will take approximately five months to complete. The project schedule is subject to change.
- Spring 2021: Final coordination with the City of Elk Grove
- June 2021: Mobilize; implement best management practices to protect natural resources
- July-August 2021: Drive pilings will occur mid-mornings and mid-afternoons; approximately 4x per week)
- September-October 2021: Replace existing bridge, restore site, and demobilize
What will the impact be to the neighborhood?
The primary impacts to the neighborhood will be construction noise and intermittent traffic along School Street and Locust Street. Union Pacific will implement best management practices and coordinate the project schedule to reduce the impact on the neighborhoods.
Traffic. Traffic will increase during the mobilization period with construction vehicles, such as trucks loaded with materials and equipment, traveling to the site. During construction, approximately 12 workers will travel to the construction site daily. Union Pacific will reduce impacts by directing its contractor to use Locust Street for access. During the duration of construction, the City of Elk Grove will be closing the Laguna Creek Trail.
Noise. Noise will be generated from pile driving, which requires pounding large steel beams into the ground to anchor the new bridge.
Will the Project Result in Environmental Impacts?
Union Pacific routinely implements best management practices on its projects to protect water quality and biological resources. We will implement the following best management practices:
- Conduct pre-construction surveys for nesting birds.
- Conduct worker environmental awareness training.
- Have a biological monitor present on site during construction.
- Fence the project area.
- Implement measures, such as installing bubble curtains, to minimize noise and turbidity from pile driving.
- Control erosion.
- Park and fuel vehicles away from the waterway.
How loud will the pile driving be at the nearest residence?
The Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide (FHWA, 2006) gives a maximum A-weighted (Lmax) sound pressure level for impact pile driving of 101 dBA at a reference distance of 50 feet, which is also the approximate distance to the nearest residence. 101 dBA is similar to a jet flyover at 1000 feet or a gas-powered lawnmower at 3 feet.