Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does UPRR have a list of available property for Lease or Sale?

UPRR does not maintain a list of available properties for Lease or Sale. We recommend that you research property in your area through your local assessor to determine ownership. Once you have identified a parcel you are interested in see Property Leases or Property Purchases.

  • How do I determine property ownership and boundary lines?

You must perform your own property research or hire a surveyor to prepare a title report. We recommend contacting your local assessor to assist with research. If you need Maps, please see Property Research & Track Ownership Research.

  • How do I gain access to UPRR property for temporary access, such as a short-term project?

If you intend to use UPRR property for less than a year on a temporary basis (for example, in support of adjacent construction project) you will likely need a Right of Entry/Temporary Use of Railroad Property. Any proposed use extending beyond a year, please see Property Leases.