Getting Started
Any Roadway Improvement or Construction Proposal that governmental agencies, businesses or individuals make that may affect or are near Union Pacific Railroad rights of way must be evaluated by the railroad to ensure the safety of the public and railroad employees, maintain the quality of rail service to our customers and protect our assets.
It is recommended that Union Pacific Railroad be contacted early on to ensure arrangements can be made to enter into a preliminary engineering agreement . The purpose of the agreement is to identify safety, engineering, customer service, operations, legal and regulatory matters, expense, risk and other issues specific to any proposed project. Union Pacific's review is intended to determine the plans and improvements meet Union Pacific’s requirements.
The preliminary engineering agreement is intended to reimburse Union Pacific for costs and expenses associated with the review of a project. It is in the interest of all parties to complete the preliminary engineering review before commitments are made or construction begins. It is recommended that the Agency contact the appropriate Manager of Public Projects for assistance in preparing the preliminary engineering agreement and to obtain a cost estimate.
Two original copies of a signed preliminary engineering agreement with your Concept Print should be forwarded to Union Pacific for signature. Once the agreement has been executed, the railroad will begin its review of your proposal. It is recommended that the concept print(s) be 11 X 17 with a scale of 1 inch to 20 feet.
- Please use this Check List to ensure that required information is provided for Grade Crossing Projects.
This preliminary engineering agreement is intended to address preliminary engineering. It is understood by both parties that the railroad may withhold its approval for any reason directly or indirectly related to safety or its operations, property issues or effect to its facilities.
If the Project is approved, Union Pacific will continue to work with you to develop final plans, specifications and to prepare material and cost estimates for railroad construction work associated with your project. It is also understood that if the project is constructed, if at all, at no cost to the railroad, under separate agreements.
Upon completion of approved final plans and approval of Union Pacific’s cost estimate, Union Pacific will prepare the appropriate License, Right of Entry, Construction and Maintenance Agreement(s). When all agreements have been executed, construction can begin.