Procedures for Encroachments
- If it is necessary to enter the railroad company's property to conduct a survey for the completion of required location information in this application, the Permit To Be On Railroad Property for Utility Survey form must be printed, executed and returned following the instructions given in the permit.
- If the proposed installation is both an encroachment and a crossing, only one application form need be filled out. It must be accompanied, however, by both the appropriate Exhibit "A" document (describing the crossing) and complete engineering plans must be attached through the online application system (detailing the encroachment).
- A non-refundable $3,055 application fee must accompany your application. The applicant will reimburse the railroad company for all expenses incurred for review of encroachment applications. All expenses will be due and payable when billed.
- Engineering plans must be completed in accordance with the attached Wireline/Pipeline Encroachment Planning Guide and Construction Procedures. Failure to do so merely delays the review process. In addition, any application not conforming to railroad minimum standards will delay processing. If there is a valid reason why compliance with the railroad standards is not possible, these reasons must be clearly explained or the application will be rejected and returned to you for further explanation.
- If possible, please provide a city, county or topographical map of the area, showing the proposed installation.
- When using a street name on the application that has been changed, please include the current name as well as any previous name. Many of the old railroad company maps do not reflect these name changes.
- The appropriate "Exhibit A" is required for all crossings of trackage. If your pipeline/wireline installation involves a crossing, please check Pipeline Procedures or Wireline Procedures.
- Generally, agreement processing time will be approximately 90 - 120 days. Please allow sufficient lead time for document handling prior to desired construction date. Before construction begins, agreements must be executed by the Licensee and Contractor, if applicable, and returned to this office. Verbal authorizations will not be permitted or granted.
- License fees must be submitted at the time you execute and return the agreement. Because license fees are based on property values, we will only be able to provide you with fee information after your application has been reviewed and approved.
- Depending on the scope of the work and proximity to our tracks we may require that Railroad Protective Liability Insurance be obtained, in addition to general liability insurance.
- Licensee shall have in place and in full force during the life of the agreement General Liability, Automotive Liability and Worker' Compensation and Employer's Liability. See General Insurance Requirements.
- Questions? Need Assistance? Check the Pipeline, Wireline, Right of Entry and Drainage Contacts for the names of those who can help.