Emergency Locomotive Fuel Purchases

The Harriman Dispatching Center locomotive management requires that all emergency fuel purchases be cleared through the respective area locomotive manager at Harriman. Union Pacific field personnel with an emergency fuel requirement call the power desk at Harriman with their request. Once the request has been made through the power desk, the power desk contacts the Fuel Group and the Fuel Group assigns an emergency purchase order number. Power desk personnel then notify field personnel of the emergency purchase order number.

Emergency purchase order numbers have the same configuration as that of any other fuel purchase order, excepting the fourth alpha letter, which is E for emergency. Each emergency purchase order is unique for that purchase only.

Invoices covering emergency fuel purchases should be sent to:

Union Pacific Railroad
Supply Department, Fuel Group
1400 Douglas Street, STOP
Omaha, NE 68179

Upon receipt of an invoice showing a previously assigned emergency purchase order number, the Fuel Group will enter the specific purchase order information into our Fuel Management System and process the invoice through the Accounting Department for immediate payment.

Please note that only invoices for emergency fuel purchases should be sent to the Fuel Group.

See Invoice Preparation & Payment Processes: Mailing Addresses for information on where to send all other fuel invoices.