Talented Workforce

D&I Quarterly Workforce Report

Quarterly demographics of active UP employees and 2030 goals

D&I Quarterly Workforce Report Category Descriptions



UP Corporation - Annual Employer Information Report


Founded by Abraham Lincoln more than 150 years ago, Union Pacific understands that to remain an innovative, industry-leading company, we must draw upon the expertise and experiences of people from all backgrounds.

Our Approach 

Provide programs which attract and cultivate the development and retention of a robust diverse pipeline. 

  • Annual Talent Review (ATR) examines the current state of talent in the workforce, analyzes future needs and develops plans to address gaps 
  • Compensation structure better positions the company to attract and retain talent
  • D&I reviews and consultation provides guidance while strengthening accountability for strategic efforts to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace 
  • Diversity outreach programs K-12 inspire STEM careers in females and minorities 
  • Core competencies and management development programs create a culture of performance and growth that supports the company's mission, vision, values and leadership attributes
  • Key D&I measures | reporting offer real-time updates to executive leadership on progress related to inclusion, the diversity of our workforce and diversity initiatives
  • Mentoring programs support personal and professional development 
  • The Union Pacific Diversity Scholars Program at Creighton University bolsters our future workforce and community