Unit Trains Ship 'Lots of Something' — Seamlessly
Are you looking to ship bulk products by rail? Or maybe attract a company to your community that ships large amounts of a single, high-volume product between two points? Union Pacific’s unit train service could be the right fit for your transportation needs.
Unit trains transport more than 90 rail cars of one type of freight in one car type for one destination, allowing rail cars to bypass intermediary rail yards and run directly from point A to point B. Products that work well for this type of train service typically include corn, wheat, sand, coal and rock.
We also like finding solutions for the not-so-typical unit train products. We have helped the Army by shipping unit trains of military equipment, allowing them to deploy an entire brigade from one location. Unit train service has also been a solution for farmers in the California desert sourcing hay to the west coast ports in containers for export to Asian and Middle Eastern markets.
Our team of regional experts can help you identify sites that have the potential to support the infrastructure to accommodate unit trains. Contact us today to learn more about Union Pacific’s service offerings and how rail can benefit your community.