Mega Sites Cleared for Rail Development

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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” 
Benjamin Franklin

“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”
Abraham Lincoln

These are but a couple of many quotes about preparation. We’ve all had experiences where a parent, boss or co-worker expressed similar sentiments about the importance of preparation.

When looking at developing a mega industrial site, the old adages could not be more true. Clients looking to invest millions of dollars in development of a new facility often want to move as quickly as possible, but also want to minimize potential risks with the site they choose. If you have not invested effort in preparation of your site, it likely will be difficult for you to create a compelling message to your client about why they should locate in your community.

One area that often is not appropriately developed is how rail can best be incorporated into a site and satisfy the rail needs of a potential client. Union Pacific can support you in the development of rail concepts, review and approval for large mega sites. By doing this in advance of the next large RFP that you receive, you will be better positioned for success. Then, when others ask how you were successful and they weren’t, you can answer with John Wooden’s quote, “When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare.”

Contact Union Pacific today to discuss potential mega site locations. 

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