Clothes Make the Man?

Danny Elliott

I was working the second shift at West Colton and on Wednesday nights during my lunch hour, I used to go to a local church service. Every week I'd go, and every week I'd sit in this pew in front of Diana. We never actually met, because I'd always rush out after the service so I could get back to work.

I'm a welder, and I was going to church from work, so I'd have these little holes in my clothes, and maybe a little grease on my neck, and my jeans would be dirty. Diana, sitting behind me would see that and she thought maybe I was homeless!


Danny Elliott

At Christmas time, Diana was filled with the Christmas spirit and she bought me a new shirt for the holidays. It was when she gave it to me that we finally really got to talk to each other. I told her I worked for the railroad and had "a few nickels in my pocket."

Now, she's my wife, and the rest is history.