Inside Track
Rail Fans Invited to Witness Big Boy No. 4014's Historic Return
Posted January 20, 2014 07:59 AM CDT
A photo taken during the recent move of UP No. 4014 across the Fairplex parking lot, where it awaits the next stage of its journey to Cheyenne.
The time has finally come for UP's Big Boy No. 4014 to return to the national rail network, and rail fans are invited to witness part of the historic journey.
Pushed and pulled by modern diesel electric UP freight locomotives, No. 4014 will depart Fairplex, home of RailGiants Museum in Pomona, Calif., for the first time in more than 50 years. The Big Boy will travel 56 miles on Metrolink and UP track to the UP's Colton, Calif., rail yard.
The steam giant is scheduled to depart the Fairplex parking lot in the early morning hours of Sunday, Jan. 26, on the first leg of its 1,293-mile trek. For safety purposes, rail fans are encouraged to view the historic locomotive only at the Covina Metrolink Station. No other public display stops have been scheduled on Metrolink track.
"Union Pacific celebrates employees past and present with the restoration of one of the biggest steam locomotives ever constructed,” said Ed Dickens, senior manager-Union Pacific Heritage Operations. “We appreciate the collaboration with the LA County Fair and Metrolink to make No. 4014's first move on the national rail network safe and efficient."
As part of the operation, UP diesel locomotive No. 3105 also will be delivered to RailGiants Train Museum, located at Fairplex, along with a UP boxcar and caboose. The donated equipment will become a part of the museum's mission to promote the preservation and documentation of all facets of railroading.
The move to Colton is only the first stage of No. 4014's journey to Cheyenne. Final travel preparations will be made in Colton over the next several months before the locomotive departs for Cheyenne. Rail fans are invited to view No. 4014 in Colton Yard on Feb. 1-2, and 8-9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors should access the rail yard at 19100 Slover Ave., Bloomington, Calif. Visitors will be permitted in the No. 4014 display area only. There will be no other rail yard access.
For the latest schedule and route map, go to, where you’ll also be able to track the movement of No. 4014 from Fairplex to Colton the morning of Jan. 26.

The Big Boy will most certainly be missed at RailGiants museum.