Potential Changes to Interchange Hours at Eagle Pass, Texas, Gateway

Announcement Number: CN2021-7
Categories: General Announcements
Posted Date: February 10, 2021

To Our Customers,

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has submitted a trade notice requesting a change to the interchange schedule between Union Pacific and Ferromex (FXE) at Eagle Pass, Texas, that would effectively reduce hours of interchange, impact capacity and potentially delay shipments. If this trade notice is adopted by governing agencies, it will become effective on February 12, 2021.

Union Pacific has worked with CBP to address their concerns and we are actively working with governing agencies to receive an extension for the proposed operating changes and to explore alternative solutions.

If these changes are implemented on February 12, 2021, customers may see a delay with rail shipments interchanged at the Eagle Pass, Texas, gateway.

We continue to work with all governing agencies to find the best solution for our customers. We will continue to keep you updated on this ongoing situation.