Status of the Railroad - A Message from Kenny Rocker, EVP, Marketing & Sales
Announcement Number: CN2023-25
Categories: General Announcements
Posted Date: April 25, 2023
To Our Customers,
It’s been about a month since my last update to you and I’m happy to report that service continues to improve. We’ve seen more network fluidity throughout April and are encouraged that we will be able to sustain the progress we have made. Our service product has shown more resiliency – as proven by our ability to quickly recover from major service interruptions as each time we were in a better position with our crew resources. Year to date, we have graduated over 450 crew employees, and our hiring pipeline continues to remain strong at nearly 1,000 employees in training. We also have approximately 290 borrow-outs working in our northern region to support customer demand. As we head into May, we’re seeing continued demand in some of our markets – and we’re working closely with Operating to make sure we are agile and have resources available in locations where we need them.
Our Metrics
Here are our latest weekly metrics reported to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) on April 21. These metrics are compared to performance in mid-April 2022, and are based on the STB definitions for industry reporting:
- Car Velocity: Improved 14% to 202 miles per day.
- First Mile, Last Mile: Improved 2 points to 92%.
- Trip Plan Compliance (TPC):
- TPC Bulk (unit train): Improved 17 points to 83%
- TPC Manifest: Improved 10 points to 69%
- TPC Intermodal: Improved 12 points to 85%
Falcon Premium Intermodal Service
I’m excited about the new Mexico-U.S-Canada intermodal service we announced yesterday with Canadian National and Grupo México. The new Falcon Premium service creates direct intermodal service between points in Mexico and Canada through Eagle Pass and Chicago — providing the fastest and most direct routing entirely by rail. The direct interchange offers our customers the opportunity to maximize lading weights, take advantage of faster transit times and see a reduction of carbon emissions by limiting trucks in an all-rail service. You can learn more about the new service here.
Thank You
Looking forward, I am optimistic about the opportunities that are in front of us to grow with you. Our team is committed to deliver a more consistent and reliable service product that meets your needs and helps you win in the marketplace. As always, thank you for your business.
Kenny Rocker
Executive Vice President, Marketing & Sales