Carta Porte Requirement Extended for Mexico Shipments Until December 31, 2023
Announcement Number: CN2023-36
Categories: General Announcements
Posted Date: July 20, 2023
To Our Customers,
Mandatory Carta Porte requirements have been in place since January 1, 2022. Since that time, the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) has allowed a grace period with no penalties for non-compliant shipments. The Mexican government has recently extended this grace period until December 31, 2023. Beginning January 1, 2024, shipments moving into, out of, or within Mexico with missing or incorrect information, will be subject to penalties from the Mexican government.
Union Pacific will continue to conduct Carta Porte waybill compliance checks, and waybill rejections as necessary, before the SAT begins implementing fines and rejections at the border for non-compliant shipments.
To avoid shipment delays, penalties from the Mexican government and document delay charges, it is imperative that all customers act now to ensure billing information into and out of Mexico is compliant with Carta Porte requirements.
Online Reference Tools
Customers can consult the following updated resources for additional information:
- Carta Porte Overview and FAQ
- Carta Porte Bill of Lading FAQ
- SAT Website - General Carta Porte Information
If you have additional questions, please email the Carta Porte team for assistance.