Carta Porte 3.1 Requirement Update Effective October 1, 2024

Announcement Number: CN2024-24
Categories: General Announcements
Posted Date:

To Our Customers,

Per the Mexican Tax Authority, Carta Porte is a mandatory requirement for all shipments moving into, out of or within Mexico. Shipments that do not comply with the Carta Porte requirements, will be subject to penalties from the Mexican Government.

Last month, Carta Porte 3.1 was released and in this publication, the Mexican Tax Authority has relaxed the requirement for submitting the Mexican Tariff Rate Code (MTC). The rail industry has been working together to ensure we are all aligned and ready for this change. Effective October 1, 10:00 a.m. CT, customers will no longer be required to provide the MTC Code. Customers can decide to stop sending this value or continue as is. Union Pacific will make this field optional and will no longer audit the Bill of Lading submissions for the MTC Code.

MTC Code was required for all loaded, revenue empty and Hazardous last contained shipments that move in, out and within Mexico.

All remaining Carta Porte data is still required to maintain compliance.

Online Reference Tools
Customers can consult the following updated resources for additional information:

If you have additional questions, please email the Carta Porte team for assistance.