
Application Process & Timeline

Application Process

The Community Ties Giving Program receives a multitude of grant requests for worthwhile projects every year. Unfortunately, we cannot fund every worthy request. Therefore, we use the following annual competitive online process to identify nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations located in Union Pacific communities that best align with the funding guidelines and criteria.

Grant Application

Prospective Local Grant applicants will complete an eligibility questionnaire as the first step in the process. This occurs after logging into the application portal. Organizations determined eligible to apply for a Local Grant may then continue completing the full grant application.

This is your organization's opportunity to demonstrate how a one-year grant from the Community Ties Giving Program will help you accomplish your goals and, ultimately, further the Local Grants program objectives.

Grant Applications (applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on May 31, 2024):

The 2024 application period has ended.

  • Safety grant application
  • Workforce Development grant application
  • Community Vitality grant application
  • Environmental Sustainability grant application   

Other Considerations

Typical grant awards will range from $5,000 - $30,000. The grant term is one year. See the schedule below under Timeline for further details.

An organization is allowed to complete only one application, and receive only one grant, through the Local Grants program per annual grant period.

Due to the volume of requests received, Union Pacific does not provide specific feedback to applicants who are not awarded a grant.

Organizations who have received three consecutive years of local grants (2021, 2022, 2023) are ineligible for the 2024 cycle but may apply again in 2025.



Activity Date
2023 Grant Impact Reports Due August 1, 2024
2024 Grant Application Submission Period April 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024
2024 Grant Award Status Notification On or before September 1, 2024
2024 Grant Award Checks Mailed/Presented September/October 2024
2024 Grant Term: Programs/Projects are Administered September 2024 – August 2025
2024 Grant Impact Reports Due August 1, 2025

Additional timeline narrative: Grant Impact Reports for prior year (2023) grant awards can be submitted anytime before August 1. Applications for the next cycle (2024) are due May 31. Prior to awarding 2024 local grants, we will confirm there are no outstanding Grant Impact Report for any 2024 applicants who were a recipient of a 2023 grant.  Any 2023 grant recipient without a Grant Impact Report submitted will be unable to receive a 2024 grant.

Technical Difficulties & Other Assistance

We have received multiple inquiries from applicants reporting difficulties using Google Chrome. Please select a different browser and try again.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please send an email inquiry to upf@up.com. Corporate Giving staff will make every effort to respond to your email within 2 business days. Please note that Corporate Giving staff will not review or discuss the subject matter of applications but will be happy to answer questions on how to navigate the application process and online system.

NOTE: On Friday, May 31, 2024, the Corporate Giving team will be available until 5:00 PM Central Time for technical assistance.