Union Pacific Debuts New Locomotive Paint Scheme

New Union Pacific locomotive paint scheme

A handful of Union Pacific's 7,400 locomotives are currently outfitted with the new paint design.

Be on the lookout: A handful of Union Pacific locomotives are now sporting a fresh paint scheme shifting some key design elements, including moving the American flag closer to the front.

"The flag is now in a better position to keep clean and be protected from heat," said Shane Keller, senior vice president, Engineering and Mechanical. "Although we work diligently to maintain the flag on each locomotive, its previous location made it a challenge."

Although the Union Pacific shield remains on the nose, the wings previously surrounding it were removed to let the shield proudly take center stage.

The new design concept was created by employees at the railroad’s Jenks Locomotive Shop in North Little Rock, Arkansas. As locomotives need new paint, they will receive this treatment as part of Union Pacific’s locomotive overhaul and modernization program.

"The flag and shield are visible reminders we are one of the oldest and largest transportation companies in the nation," Keller said. "The flag honors our history and our mission of Building America; the shield symbolizes strength."

Keep your eyes on the rails – Union Pacific employees and rail fans are encouraged to tag @UnionPacific on social media if you see one of these freshly painted locomotives in service.

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