Union Pacific Railroad’s Policy on Human Rights


Union Pacific operates across 23 states and complies with applicable laws and respects internationally recognized human rights everywhere we operate. Each state is responsible for protecting the human rights of individuals within its borders; however, the responsibility of business enterprises to respect human rights is independent of the states’ ability to fulfill their own obligations. Because of this, we drew upon the human rights standards set out in the United Nations’ (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles & Rights at Work by the International Labour Organization ("ILO"). These standards are widely accepted by corporations throughout the United States. Our Human Rights Policy was also crafted with reference to the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Bill of Human Rights.

Union Pacific’s reputation and success are determined by the decisions we make as employees and as a company, and by the people with whom we choose to do business. They are intrinsically linked to our values: a passion for performance that drives our safety, customer satisfaction and quality results; high ethical standards that provide a source of pride and a bond with our customers, shareholders, and communities; and teamwork that helps us reach our common goals.

We embrace diversity and create opportunity for every person by promoting an inclusive and safe work environment, while acting in accordance with internationally promoted human rights standards.

Our Commitment

At Union Pacific, we promote equality, dignity, justice, and freedom. We embrace our responsibility to respect and promote human rights by fostering a safe and inclusive workplace wherever our operations are conducted.

We are committed to avoiding, causing, or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our own actions and addressing such impacts if they do occur. Similarly, we seek to prevent adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to our operations, products, or services through our business relationships with our customers, suppliers, and community partners.

Union Pacific acknowledges that circumstances both locally and globally will change over time. New human rights concerns could come to light. Therefore, this policy will be a continuing effort and will be adapted while we assess our procedures and approaches supporting our commitment so that it stands the test of time.

Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor

We do not tolerate any form of forced labor, including prison labor, child labor, human trafficking, and all other forms of modern slavery. Employment of individuals below the minimum age permitted by law is strictly prohibited.

Protection Against Discrimination and Harassment

With such a wide range of operations, we strive for equal remuneration for equal work and equal opportunities in employment without discrimination in any form including discrimination based on: race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, religion, military and veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, pregnancy or any other basis prohibited by law ("protected status"). Where our operations may affect particularly vulnerable persons, including women, minorities, migrant workers, or disabled persons, we rely on international standards to guide our actions and responses.

At Union Pacific, we are passionate about creating a safe and welcoming workplace. We expect each of our employees to treat one another with respect and dignity, and we will not tolerate inappropriate behavior involving Equal Employment Opportunity and retaliation.

Freedom of Association

Union Pacific has a long history of working alongside unions with collective bargaining agreements and respects the right of employees to form, join, or not join labor unions. Collective bargaining agreements are in place to promote fair and respectful work conditions and labor practices. We are committed to maintaining consistent engagement and dialogue with the 13 rail unions that represent our employees allowing for continued enforcement of respectful work conditions.

Community & Employee Health and Safety

Union Pacific is committed to protecting the environment now and for future generations. Across our more than 32,000-mile network, we strive to be good corporate neighbors by respecting the individuals and communities that surround us. We expect full compliance with environmental and safety laws and regulations, and value discussion with individuals or communities that may have concerns.

In addition to a safe environment for our neighboring communities, we work to make sure every employee goes home safely every day. We assess risks, and report incident and injury rates to the Federal Railroad Administration. We are committed to engaging with employees to help them mitigate distractions, while continuing to improve technology, enhance processes and foster a culture focused on operating safely.

Work Hours & Compensation

Union Pacific complies with laws, regulations and collective bargaining agreements with our unions regarding minimum wage and maximum amount of work hours. Employees are offered competitive benefits and compensation, in alignment with applicable requirements under local law, including individual or collective bargaining agreements.

Community Engagement and Indigenous Relations

Many of the lands we operate on are, and always have been, held in reverence by several First Nations. Working alongside Indigenous communities across our network, we aim to strengthen our ties to build strong and mutually beneficial relationships that support economic opportunities.

Our Partners' Operations

It is not enough to only mitigate human rights issues throughout our own operations. We must also engage with our value chain.

We expect our partners to abide by internationally recognized human rights standards. Our partners should have processes in place to avoid any and all human rights violations. In the event of a violation, a prevention and mitigation plan should be implemented.

Our suppliers and customers are expected to protect human rights within their operations. See our Supplier Code of Conduct. If a supplier fails to meet its obligation to respect human rights, we reserve the right to end our business relationship. From a customer perspective, we expect the products we transport to be manufactured and handled in a way that respects human rights.

The Values Line

It is everyone’s responsibility to protect and respect one another’s human rights. Therefore, employees are encouraged to report violations of this policy to their managers. If, however, an employee believes that the manager cannot or will not resolve the issue(s), the employee should contact the Union Pacific Values Line. The Values Line can be reached 24/7 at 800-998-2000

Violations can be reported anonymously and will be held in confidence because Union Pacific does not tolerate any kind of retaliation. Any employee who violates our non-retaliation policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Last Updated: October 1, 2024
Last Reviewed: October 1, 2024