Ocean Carrier Equipment Look-Up

Union Pacific grants MatchUP equipment that is a mix of high and standard cube containers.

  • High cube boxes have a height of about 9 feet, 6 inches.
  • Standard cube boxes have a height of about 8 feet, 6 inches.
  • *All Swire containers are high cube. 

Most domestic ISO shipments do not require high cube containers, however some BCOs do need high cube due to product dimensions or loading requirements.

This page is intended to provide IMCs with a resource to look up whether a container is high cube or standard cube using our aligned ocean carrier's websites. Most of the websites require the use of a check digit (the 7th number on a container that railroads do not use). The first link below is a calculator to look up what the check digit is for a particular unit.

These pages are not affiliated with Union Pacific and we will not be responsible for any errors or omissions listed on these websites.