Billing Claims and Disputes

Union Pacific seeks to generate accurate bills for services we perform. In situations where you have reason to dispute a bill or submit a claim, here are steps to take and contact information. If you need information for an issue not listed, please contact your UP representative.

Commodity Damage Claims


Find out how to take proactive steps to minimize your demurrage bills in our Terms and Conditions section.

Resolving an error in your bill can be done the following ways:

  • Send partial payment for agreed-upon charges to
    Union Pacific Railroad
    PO Box 502453
    St. Louis, MO 63150-2453
  • Invoices may be disputed online via Chargeable Events (CES).
  • Invoices may be disputed online via Invoice Management, which is part of our secure MyUPRR customer portal. If you don't have access to Invoice Management,  please call 877-712-4687 to set up access.
  • Invoices may be disputed via email:

While we can't resolve demurrage bills over the phone, you can contact the team at 800-925-6396.

Freight Bills

Our systems are designed to find a match with shipment information, rating authorities, and account detail. If you find an error, you can dispute freight bills online through Invoice Management (user ID and password required). If you have any questions or need access, please contact our Support Desk at 877-712-4687 or view our Invoice Management page.

Miscellaneous Accessorial Charges

These include most other charges for moving freight other than the freight bill, demurrage, or intermodal flips/detention. Examples include:

  • Adverse loadings
  • Dirty cars
  • Diversions
  • Lost lease claims
  • No-bills
  • Overloads
  • Penalty charges
  • Reconsignments
  • Setbacks
  • Switches
  • Weighing

Union Pacific may require customers in selected market areas to submit disputes electronically; contact our Accessorial Team at 800-925-6396 for assistance. Be sure to have the following information availalble:

  • Invoice number
  • Car initial and number
  • Waybill number
  • Account number as shown on invoice
  • Detailed reason for the dispute(s)

Property Claims and Collections

We're focused on transporting products with safety as our number one priority. If property damage does occur, our Property Damage and Collections Group works to resolve claims as quickly and fairly as possible.

If you have a claim, contact our team via any of these options:

  • Fax: 402-233-2131
  • Phone: 877-877-2567, option #1
  • Union Pacific National Claims Center
    1400 Douglas St., MS1510
    Omaha, NE. 68179