Wireline/Pipeline Encroachment Planning Guide & Construction Procedures
Preparation of Construction Drawings for Review Process
The following listed information can be used to aid in the preparation of construction drawings and will expedite the approval of the drawings by the railroad.
- The wireline/pipeline (encroachment) must be located at the outer limits of railroad right-of-way within 5 feet of property line and a minimum of 35 feet from centerline of nearest track.
- Encroachment should be constructed in accordance with the specifications showing a typical cross-section of railroad right-of-way, as indicated in Parallel Encroachments for Utility Lines. Any proposed deviations in the placement of the encroachment such as in the areas of steep banks, river, ditches, bridges, culverts, etc., must be shown on the plan views and a cross-section drawing furnished for each.
- The following must be shown on the drawings: bridges, culverts, signals, signal houses, and other signal facilities, street and road crossings, overpasses and bridge piers in relation to track and pipeline, pole line, railroad milepost, streets and name of the street, rivers, fences, underground utilities, railroad right-of-way, all necessary dimensions, measured at right angles to the main line track, and any other information which could be helpful.
- If the proposed location of the encroachment crosses existing culverts, the top of the buried encroachment will have to be installed a minimum of 5' below the culvert invert. If the location crosses a ditch beyond the end of the culvert (field side) then the top of the buried encroachment must be installed 5' below the clean bottom elevation of the ditch.
- All excavations and backfilling must be done using workmanship acceptable to the railroad. All backfilling must be placed in a maximum of 6" uniform layers and compacted to 90% of maximum standard density as determined by AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D-698. All areas disturbed in any manner must be reseeded in a manner to prevent erosion using a grass seed mixture native to the area.
- The encroachment cannot be installed in the slope of cut or fill sections (as shown in Parallel Encroachments for Utility Lines of the roadbed nor can the slope of cut or fill sections of the roadbed be benched, unless permission has been obtained from the chief engineer's office in writing to do otherwise. The encroachment found in the slope section of the roadbed without permission to be installed there will have to be removed and the slope restored to Union Pacific's satisfaction at the complete cost of the applicant. In addition, the applicant will be liable for all damage cost to train operations and roadbed restoration costs due to a slip or slide caused by improper installation of the buried encroachment or being installed in the slope without permission from Union Pacific.
- The appropriate "Exhibit A" is required for all crossings of trackage. If your pipeline/wireline installation involves a crossing, please check Pipeline Procedures or Wireline Procedure. Each crossing requires a separate "Exhibit A" and application.
Track bores must be a minimum of 60 inches below base of rail. Wet bores are not permitted on Union Pacific property. The ends of steel casing (see Union Pacific Common Standard 1029) will have to be a minimum of 30 feet from centerline of the track when measured at right angle to the track. Also, bore pits must be a minimum of 30 feet from centerline of track when measured at right angle to the track. In addition, no bore pits can be located in the slope of a cut or fill section of the roadbed. The bore pit size must be kept to a minimum. - Manholes must be capable of withstanding H-20 highway loading requirements and must be installed so as not to create a stumbling hazard.
- Construction drawings submitted to the railroad must contain the following information in addition to No. 2 and 3 above:
- General notes along with the symbols and their meanings.
- A sheet showing all the special details.
- Small scale maps showing overall encroachment route.
- Sheet showing details for backhoe trenching below a ditch, trench below a stream, direct burial for a ditch or creek crossing (plan and profile view). Include all shoring plans (sealed by registered professional engineer in the respective state).
- Location of pipeline marker signs should be shown on all drawings and a detail of the sign furnished for railroad approval showing the color of the sign.
- Sheet showing details of all proposed poles on the right-of-way.
- As built drawing shall be provided on standard railroad right-of-way maps to standards specified by railroad.
- Before work can begin on railroad rights of way, the agreement between Union Pacific and the applicant must be fully executed. Also, employees of the applicant and its contractor personnel that will be on and about railroad property must have a copy of Minimum Safety Requirements for Contractors Exhibit B and be safety-trained by a Union Pacific project inspector.
Construction Procedures
The following listed information can be used to aid in the preparation of construction drawings and will expedite the approval of the drawings by the railroad.
- The encroachment must be located behind (field side) all signal facilities because of the numerous underground signal cable running between track and the signal facility. Signal Department personnel will remove and replace all guy wires on railroad pole lines.
- Trees or brush must be chipped to 1/2 inch size and can be blown onto railroad rights of way. However, care must be taken not to obstruct ditches, streams, tracks, railroad structures, or private property. Trees or brush which cannot be chipped to 1/2 inch size must be removed from the rights of way.
- Please keep in mind it normally takes three weeks to obtain flagmen for a project. Therefore, work schedules will have to be planned accordingly.
- Adequate barrier protection is required for all excavation on railroad right-of-way to protect individuals from falling into holes.
- Grading is required on the railroad right of way on all areas disturbed by construction to prevent ponding of storm water.
- Erosion protection must be established on all areas disturbed by construction using perennial grasses native to the area.
- All projects will require a project inspector and flagman when required for protection of train operations.
- All costs incurred for any and all parts of review, approval and construction will be at applicant's expense.