Customer Contacts

Just Getting Started with Rail?

New to Union Pacific Railroad? Learn more about our shipment solutions and Request a Price.

Connect with Customer Care & Support

General Support for Waybill Assistance and Shipment Information/Status

  • 24-Hour Support
  • 800-272-8777
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance. 

Waybill Errors, Waybill Patterns, User ID Assistance, Website Training & Support

  • Monday – Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm CT
  • 800-872-1045
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance.

International Customer Care & Support

  • 24-Hour Support
  • 800-877-0531
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance.

Diversions & Embargoes

  • Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm CT
  • 800-243-0890
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance.

Connect with the Unit Train Team

Unit Trains

  • 24-Hour Support
  • 800-877-0253
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance.

Dimensional Shipments

  • Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm CT
  • 800-544-0541
  • Create a case (user ID and password required) for assistance.

Connect with Your Sales Representative for Price & Contract Assistance

Connect with Marketing Operations 

Connect with Accounting & Freight Billing for Payment Assistance


ACH Credit Payment

Credit Applications/Letters of Credit

Customer Overcharge Claims
Please dispute freight bills online through Invoice Management (user ID and password required). If you have any questions, please contact our Support Desk at 877-712-4687, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT. or view our Invoice Management page.

EDI Freight Bill/Payment
877-712-4687 (ask for EDI Support) 

Miscellaneous Contacts